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The Partner

The Partner

Cudzojazyčná / Anglická

Katalógové číslo: D7394

Zľava: 5%
Spisovateľ: Grisham John, Island books 1998

They found him in a small town in Brazil, near the border with Paraguay. He had a new name, Danilo Silva, and his appearance had been changed by plastic surgery. The search had taken four years. They'd chased him around the world, always just missing him. It had cost their clients three and a half million dollars. But so far none of them had complained. The man they were about to kidnap had not always been called Silva. Before he had had another life, a life that ended in a car crash in February 1992. His gravestone lay in a cemetery in Biloxi, Mississippi. His name before his death was Patrick S. Lanigan. He had been a partner at an up and coming law firm. He had a pretty wife, a new daughter, and a bright future. Six weeks after his death, $90 mill... v angličtine, brožovaná, menší formát, 470 strán

Cena: 2,10 €
Cena pre Vás: 2,00 €

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Doporučujeme ďalšie knihy od autora: Grisham John

Kniha - kat. č. Autor Vydavateľ Cena Kúpiť
Porota - F744 Grisham John Ikar 4,00 € 3,80 € Pridaj do košíka
Firma - J2299 Grisham John Ikar 2,11 € 2,00 € Pridaj do košíka
Der Regenmacher - O5781 Grisham John Hoffmann und Campe 2,50 € 2,38 € Pridaj do košíka
Der Partner - O523 Grisham John Wilhelm Heyne 2,70 € 2,57 € Pridaj do košíka
Der Verrat - O3919 Grisham John Wilhelm Heyne 1,60 € 1,52 € Pridaj do košíka
Das Urteil - O3534 Grisham John Wilhelm Heyne 3,30 € 3,14 € Pridaj do košíka

Doporučujeme ďalšie knihy od vydavateľa: Island books

Od tohto vydavateľa momentálne nemáme žiadne ďaľšie knihy.

Doporučujeme ďalšie knihy z kategórie: Anglická

Kniha - kat. č. Autor Vydavateľ Cena Kúpiť
Trial and retribution V. - D7707 La Plante L. BCA 1,60 € 1,52 € Pridaj do košíka
This other eden - D7746 Elton Ben Pocket Books 1,60 € 1,52 € Pridaj do košíka
SWEET POISON - D8049 Roberts D. Robinson 1,40 € 1,33 € Pridaj do košíka
Matrix Intermediate Student´s Book - D8539 Gude K.,Wildman J. Oxford University Press 1,89 € 1,80 € Pridaj do košíka
This homourable house - D8635 Currie E. Little, Brown and Company 1,60 € 1,52 € Pridaj do košíka
Proceedings of the Scientific Conference with International Participation - E1931 Kolektív autorov Prešov-Slovakia 1,90 € 1,81 € Pridaj do košíka


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