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Antikvariát > Beletria, Poézia > Romány S - Z > Hill Towns

Hill Towns

Hill Towns

Beletria, Poézia / Romány S - Z
Cudzojazyčná / Anglická

Katalógové číslo: G3559

Zľava: 5%
Spisovateľ: Siddons Anne Rivers, Warner Books 1993

This truly compelling novel is a magnificent kaleidoscope of the emotions that we most cherish and fear. Showcasing the rare talent of Anne Rivers Siddons at her finest, Hill Towns probes deeply into the multiple meanings of love and relationships, as seen through the prism of one woman.As a small child, a single event irrevocably changed the life of Catherine Gaillard and rendered her unable to leave her cloistered mountaintop town in Tennessee for the next 30 years. Her devotion to her husband, Joe, and her desire to forever put this incident behind her propel Cat on a life-changing voyage to Italy.Making their way across the Tuscany countryside in the company of newly married friends and an exuberant painter and his enigmatic wife, Cat and Joe feel the fabric that holds their marriage together -- so carefully woven together at home begin to unravel. The once-carefree trip turns into a journey to the very heart of their relationship...and the ultimate test of their love.... brožovaná, v angličtine,356 strán

Cena: 1,60 €
Cena pre Vás: 1,52 €

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Doporučujeme ďalšie knihy od autora: Siddons Anne Rivers

Od tohto autora momentálne nemáme žiadne ďaľšie knihy.

Doporučujeme ďalšie knihy od vydavateľa: Warner Books

Kniha - kat. č. Autor Vydavateľ Cena Kúpiť
Split Second - N7390 Baldacci David Warner Books 1,50 € 1,43 € Pridaj do košíka
Remembrance - M4117 Steel Danielle Warner books 1,60 € 1,52 € Pridaj do košíka
A tangled web - C8603 Michael Judith Warner Books 2,30 € 2,19 € Pridaj do košíka
Earl Mindell's Allergy Bible - L3019 Mindell Earl Warner books 2,60 € 2,47 € Pridaj do košíka
Lizzie Skinny - G7698 Waite Elizabeth Warner Books 1,30 € 1,24 € Pridaj do košíka
The Blacksmith - E7976 Maxwell Jenny Warner Books 1,60 € 1,52 € Pridaj do košíka

Doporučujeme ďalšie knihy z kategórie: Romány S - Z

Kniha - kat. č. Autor Vydavateľ Cena Kúpiť
Znova v Monte Rose - G3687 Vrbová Alena Československý spisovatel 0,68 € 0,65 € Pridaj do košíka
Lásky vojnového zajatca - G4000 Valiska Jozef PS-Line 2,50 € 2,38 € Pridaj do košíka
Germinal - G4092 Zola Emile VPL 3,90 € 3,71 € Pridaj do košíka
Dostaveníčko cizincú - G418 Trioletová Elsa NPL 0,84 € 0,80 € Pridaj do košíka
Nežiadúci (brožovaná) - G4185 Barnard Christiaan a Stander Siegfried Smena 1,10 € 1,05 € Pridaj do košíka
Rezident - G4186 Schreyer Wolfgang Svoboda 1,30 € 1,24 € Pridaj do košíka


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